
PhotoImpact Tutorials

Samples have been reduced for posting on this page.
Click on the title to go to the tutorial page.

Boxed Dot Frame
Chocolate Candy Bar
Embossed Frame

Gate Frame
Reverie Frame
Sailing Frame

Scrapbook Card
Snapshot Tag
Victorian Lace Card

Pixel Art Bouncy
Pixel Art Bouncy 1
Pixel Art Bouncy 2

Scrapbook Lace
Patchwork Frame
Pixel Pool

elf12nextbut.jpg - 6230 Byteself12button1.jpg - 1410 Bytes elf12backbut.jpg - 6303 Bytes

elf12sitemapbut.jpg - 6230 Byteself12button1.jpg - 1410 Byteself12homebut.jpg - 6303 Bytes

elf12logo.jpg - 6230 Bytes

elf12logo.jpg - 6230 Bytes

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images and graphics located on this site.  All Rights Reserved.